Economic Development District - French Quarter Management District

French Quarter Management District

Economic Development District

The French Quarter Economic Development District Trust Fund is administered by the French Quarter Management District, which shall provide fiscal and operational oversight, and quarterly budget and expenditure reports to the City Council.

Thursday, August 19th, the French Quarter Economic Development District Governing Authority, the New Orleans City Council, approved Resolution NO. R-2021-4 levying the new special sales tax voters approved in April. These collections on sales began October 1, 2021.

On April 24th, 72% of voters within the boundaries of the French Quarter Management District elected to bring back the quarter cent sales tax for public safety in the French Quarter based on the February 11th French Quarter Economic Development District Governing Authority, City Council, approved ballot language in Resolution NO. R-2020-3.

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On December 5th, 67% of voters elected not to renew the .2495% sales tax for supplemental security in the French Quarter based upon the ballot language approved in Resolution NO. R-2020-5.

Stakeholder Feedback 

On August 25th FQMD began a stakeholder engagement campaign to begin gathering stakeholder priorities for the drafting of a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with the City, and the French Quarter Governing Authority (the City Council) for the management of the French Quarter Economic Development District Trust Fund, should the District voters elect to renew the 2015 .2495% in the sales tax.

Partner organizations and the District “C” Council Member helped push out the questionnaire which consisted of three questions:

  1. Contact information of the respondent for demographic verification and future stakeholder engagement
  2. What demographic best described the respondent
  3. An open-ended question to allow free response to stakeholder priorities for the funding enhanced and supplemental public safety services

There were 107 respondents:

  • 71 Residents
  • 24 Workers
  • 8 Business Owners
  • 4 Visitors

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On Saturday, October 24, 2015 registered voters within the boundaries of the French Quarter Management District elected to create the French Quarter Economic Development District. The measure passed overwhelmingly, with 78% of voters in support.

Beginning January 1, 2016, sales tax on goods and services (excluding hotel stays) sold in the District increased 0.2495%, which equates to $0.25 for every $100. This sales tax was expected to generate approximately $2 million annually and would fund public safety measures within the District. In 2019 the sales tax generated $3 million dollars that went solely to the Louisiana State Police along with $2.5 million from the hospitality industry.