French Quarter Management District

FQMD Board of Commissioners Meeting

Brennan's 417 Royal Street, New Orleans, LA, United States

Commissioners meet on the second Monday of odd-numbered months. All Board meetings are open to the public.

Board of Commissioners meeting

Hotel Montelone 214 Royal Street, New Orleans, la, United States

20191118_Board Agenda.pdf

FQMD Board of Commissioners Meeting

Hotel Montelone 214 Royal Street, New Orleans, la, United States

20200115_Board Agenda Commissioners meet on the second Monday of the month, unless that Monday is a holiday or special event. All Board meetings are open to the public.

Special Meeting of the Board of Commissioners

Brennan's 417 Royal Street, New Orleans, LA, United States

This is a Special Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the French Quarter Management District, scheduled for the purposes of having an executive session Pursuant R.S. 42:17 A. (3) to discuss the development of the course of action regarding security plans of the FQMD. 20200129_Board Special Meeting Agenda


Board of Commissioners Meeting

Commissioners meet on the second Monday of the month, unless that Monday is a holiday or special event. All Board meetings are open to the public. To assure that there is equitable opportunity for the public to participate in public meetings and provide comments on actionable items prior to action on an agenda item upon […]

Special Board Meeting

Please note the change of date from Tuesday the 24th at 3:30 pm to Thursday the 26th at 8:40 am due to technical difficulties on Tuesday. Thursday, March 26th, the Board of Commissioners of the French Quarter Management District will hold a special meeting at 8:30am via teleconference due to the public health emergency of COVID-19.   Conference […]